Before It Changed- Fine Art Print



These beautiful reproductions are made on museum quality papers or canvas with archival inks. They can be purchased as loose prints, or we can offer quality framing or even as a stretched canvas print.

Loose prints may be shipped flat or rolled depending on size.

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Many of the art pieces are created the day after you order them and then shipped to you. Most items arrive in 7-14 days.

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ā€œThe kind of beauty I want most is the hard-ā€œIn the soft whispers of rain, each step forward is a memory held in the colors of time before everything changed.ā€ –Ā Unknown

ARTIST STATEMENT: In this evocative painting, I am inspired by the esthetic of the 1940s. In a rain-soaked street in Paris, a woman, her silhouette graceful and resolute, strides forward under the shelter of her umbrella. The raindrops cascade around her, each one a memory etched in time.

In the distance, sailorsā€”perhaps returning from warā€”gaze upon her with admiration. Their uniforms evoke a sense of duty and honor. Their eyes follow her, drawn to her strength and vulnerability.

The muted palette of sepia tones and navy blues conjures nostalgia, as if the rain itself holds secrets of bygone days. The cobblestone street, slick with rain, reflects the shimmering city lights, creating a dreamlike atmosphere.

ā€œBefore It Changedā€ captures a moment suspended in timeā€”a womanā€™s power, grace, and resilience amid the rain, while sailors stand as silent witnesses to her enigmatic journey.


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Dimensions N/A

12 x 12, 16 x 16, 24 x 24, 8 x 8


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